SAN: Apps

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The Self Aware Network (SAN) is a kit for assembling architectural structures that are aware of themselves.

A structure is comprised of a network. Nodes communicate and send information to a computer, which is then able to understand what has been built.

This information can be used for various purposes:

  • visualization of the structure
  • modular sound synthesis (see the document SAN: Audio)
  • apps


Figure 1: Dodecahedron built by two little girls at the end of Maker Faire Rome. Notice the visualization in the background: The structure understands how it is assembled.

2 App ideas

2.1 Chemistry

An app can give instructions about what to build, and it can give feedback about what has been built. Possibly nodes in the network change color to match atom types.

2.2 Pacman

Gena Shabanov, a software developer suggested at Science Hack Lab Berlin on June 8 2019 to create a Pacman like game. A character moves through the structure, and one needs to adapt it to achieve certain goals in the game.

There is a problem, though. As of June 2019, changes to the structure are not communicated quickly enough to the computer. So a real-time action game cannot be implemented. However, it may be possible to create a game where one builds a structure, and then something happens. For inspiration see for example the game series The Incredible Machine.

Author: Felix E. Klee

Created: 2019-06-13 Thu 12:22
